Love in a time of patriarchy pt.2

none of this is how I really feel

how I feel goes I love you

I see you alive in your bullshit and I see you so hard so convinced so full so wrong so foolish all at the same time

I fall in love with bad men with the hope that they will change

change because they love me so much 

they find the will to change

and when they don’t 

when they don’t 

when they don’t 

I hate them 

and none of this is how I really feel

how I feel goes I love you

can you forgive me and and and can we drink tea like we never did 

can I forgive you and can you please hold hold hold me 

and can we please please please talk poetry like we never did

and I will change because I will love you so much 

I will find the will to change

and when you didn’t 

when you didn’t

when you didn’t

before we got to know each other 

before I decided to 

so now I do

I see you moving in the world 

and I think it good 

I want it closer to me

I’ve never known how to be a good girl how to keep a man around

I hate doing it

none of this is how I really feel

how I feel goes I don’t know 

how to be closer to you

I keep this space around myself to protect you from my feelings

we are dangerous and frightening 

and now you’re scared of me 

there’s no going back from that

I’ve never known how to be a good girl how to keep a man around

I hate doing it

it reminds me of my mother

please be different

please hold me

please stay close until all this rage is finished

please stay past genesis

please stand until I am healed

please do not be seated, not yet

we are mourning

I think you could be Jesus to my Magdalene

this time I will lead

while you are quietly and dutifully crucified for the sins of man

None of this is how I really feel

I am delirious with fever that will never be aired

you’ll never know this part of me 

so you’ll never love it so

i’ll never know this part of you so 

you’ll never know this part of me so

i’ll never know this part of you so 

you’ll never know this part of me so 

none of this is how I really feel

how I feel goes I love you

Love in a time of patriarchy pt.2 Beloved Sara Zaltash white tailed ptarmigan

For the sake of peace


Yew Poison