Reclaim the Hareem


Dance as if he’s not watching

Dance as if dance were your testament to an undying truth

Dance as if dance were your throne and you’d found her finally under dust and rubble and she was still gilded with passion of craftsfemmes that prayed your dance

Dance as if dance gave orders to disarm every division of lies and suffering that came before you danced your dance 

Dance as if dance were martial law

Dance as if dance single wombedly birthed a race of peace givers

Dance as if dance suckled triumph

Dance as if dance grew food


Fuck as if he’s not watching

Fuck as if you are golden

Fuck as if Sun never bore his name

Fuck with your sisters under that golden Sun

Fuck for pleasure

Fuck for power

Fuck as if no one can take you away


Touch as if he’s not watching

Touch as if touch wrote scripture

Touch as if touch powered history

Touch as if touch made fate

Touch as if touch fertilised destiny 

Touch as if touch arranged constellations to enact your will

Touch yourself mysteriously

Touch yourself to relieve aching 

Touch yourself to relive waking 

Touch yourself as you would touch tulip petal opening to grace of Spring

Touch yourself as hedgehog burrows under dank leaves 

Touch yourself as snow covers ruins making them whole again

Touch yourself as riot demands justice while towers burn

Touch yourself, lift supple body above waters surface so nipples graze ripples from beating heart touching lungs touching ribs touching wings that gently raise her up

Touch yourself every living day

Touch yourself until you die

Touch yourself with every ancestral evolution 

Touch yourself as your own disciple remembers discipline as process of touching what you want


Adorn your body as if he’s not watching

Adorn your body with your sisters’ songs breathing

Adorn your body with stories woven from finest memory

Adorn your body with kisses gathered from each valley you blessed with seasons

Adorn your body with flags on every peak to signify your absolute dominion

Adorn your body with treasure map made by pirates loyal only to your cunt

Adorn your body as a lantern of cunt light shining your way home


Eat as if he’s not watching

Eat more than food

Eat drama served when gut instincts turn sour

Eat berries that hang from haunted yews

Spit seeds out

Eat poison to dissolve lies with which he buttressed your ancient power

Spit seeds out 

Eat compost 

Eat civilisation after you moan opera keening agonising excretions


Drink as if he’s not watching

Drink as if you were drowning in an ocean of injustice and each gulp parted seas and set your people free

Drink as if there is more to drink than just drowning

Drink as if each sip were salvation of your bloodlines

Drink as if each drop were infused with your innate majesty

Drink as if kiss of lips were alchemizing


Rise to attention as if he’s not watching

Listen to birdsong as if he’s not watching

Plant your garden as if he’s not watching

Grind your medicines as if he’s not watching

Tend your wounds as if he’s not watching

Praise sisters as if he’s not watching

Weave chambers of rest as if he’s not watching 

Build your tribe as if he’s not watching

Behold your creation as if he’s not watching 

Nurture your children as if he’s not watching and waiting to pick them off for his wars

Grow old in peace as if he’s not watching

Name your legacies as if he’s not watching

Reclaim the Hareem. 


By The Joy of my Beloved

