Twin Songs in the Womb

twins in womb.jpg


imagining myself sweet

we slept


his smooth fingers I brush against inside


light tipped on heat

oil before orgasm


hair, I play

he smiles first

all gums



simple affection

we become children


Oh how we so easily horizon

Oh how I fall onto his heart when he tells me of conception

Oh how sweet our taste


heavy heirlooms



and my heart did not stop beating waiting for dawn

and my heart will not end beating waiting for birth

and my heart has one twin beating waiting for breath



that obsession

conjugating compassion

negating possession


Oh how we expand to include each other

Oh how I need no fantasy


press my face into his back and curl my legs under his arms and tell him he is safe and loved and worthy

and we do not need to go through this life alone

and we do not need to overcome our guilt alone

and we do not need to dance alone


I release






Raven, to the Young Wolf


I am hailed as a whole woman