Divination for Justice

give the people back their maps

I, like a lot of people, have been obsessed with social and ecological justice for as long as I have enjoyed adult consciousness. Over the years, I have pointed every creative and spiritual skill in my tool kit towards the work that needs to be done to create a more just world, and this has been true of my divination skills as an astrologer, tarot reader, psychic and dream-teller.


Between 2018-2021, I held space in a small private facebook group called Divination for Justice, where I would share found content and original posts about the relationship between divination and justice. Here’s the info copy from that group:


D4J offers divine guidance for a fair, harmonious, balanced and just world regenerated with equality, beauty, diplomacy and grace.

* astrology * ogham * cards * dreams *


Before the witches were burned...

Before the the priests were corrupted...

Before the wisdom keepers of the land were hunted and silenced...

We knew the ways of divine guidance.

D4J calls for justice for the Diviners, living and passed, that their wisdom ways be honoured as nature speaking through the human mind.


Join the #D4J movement to apply the wisdom of the ages to the Great Turning of our times.


Through this research period, I learned that the scepticism towards astrology in post-Rationalistic cultures, and the lack of an intact and respected indigenous astrological system in North-Western Europe and its former and persistent colonies, is itself an unmet justice issue.

If you ever want to hear me speak at depth and with passion about the ways that the legacy of the Catholic inquisition intersects with Eurocentrism to contribute to the total and dismal map-less-ness of White Western peoples, please feel abundantly welcome to get in touch

because stars are nature, too.


Ministry of Us


The Ritual Sex Astrology Podcast